Imagine you were responsible for ATMs at the Superbowl (and if you’re reading this blog post, you might actually be). What would you want to know to ensure that you scored a customer experience and profitability touchdown?
How about where to place your ATMs to achieve the greatest revenue distance?
Maybe the size of your average customer withdrawal?
Are any of your star ATMs running low on cash?
Just in time for the big game, INETCO has launched INETCO Analytics. As retail banking is a game of inches, this software application is vertically focused to provide financial institutions with the power to analyze all their customer transaction data from one centralized view. It equips channel managers and data analysts with the playmaking intelligence they need to better serve existing customers, acquire new ones, and enhance profitability through improved self-service device placement and catered service offerings.
INETCO is particularly excited about the launch of INETCO Analytics as this application was born out of customer demand. Specifically, the demands of our Operationally focused customers tired of line of business execs crossing the neutral zone and blitzing them with requests to pull reports based on the consumer transaction data that their INETCO Insight real-time monitoring platform provides. As becoming more customer centric is a top priority for financial institutions, more business managers are realizing that transaction data (ie: the scrum of data that makes up every ATM, POS, Mobile banking or Internet banking transaction) provides them with an always-on source of information on the customer experience that allows them to make actionable strategic plays.
According to a recent Celent survey, “62% of financial institutions strongly believe that customer analytics offers significant competitive advantages… One key to understanding customers and improving banking channel efficiencies lies in making rich transaction data accessible for actionable customer analytics. Top 2015 retail banking priorities…all require a deeper understanding of where, when, and how customers interact with a bank’s various self-service channels.” – Bob Meara, senior analyst with Celent’s Banking practice.
And while there’s no shortage of competitors on the Big Data and analytics field, INETCO understands that retail banks and payment processors have specific requirements and goals. INETCO Analytics provides banking customer analytics so that financial institutions can focus on improving customer experience and enhancing profitability rather than spending weeks (or months) scrambling to huddle data from various silos and dealing with the unnecessary roughness of data analytics modeling.
“…Gaining (general consumer financial) insights has traditionally been a big IT job – it required the creation of data warehouses, the wrangling of some pretty intense analytics querying solutions and a bunch of technicians to make it all work. INETCO is trying to collapse that all into a single product…Vertical specific analytics is going to be a big trend in 2015. INETCO is offering the banking sector something valuable here.” – Ben Kepes, Forbes Contributor
To learn how to quarterback your team to the customer analytics and Big Data analytics Superbowl, join INETCO and Celent Senior Analyst, Bob Meara, for the Wednesday, February 11th webinar: Driving Banking Engagement with Customer Analytics. To arrange for a personal demonstration of INETCO Analytics, email