If you’re an INETCO Insight transaction monitoring software user, or are considering how visibility into real-time transaction data can help with your omnichannel banking transformation, we’ve got some big things in store for you in 2016. We are making major enhancements in three areas:
- Dashboards and visualization
- Transaction search capabilities
- Transaction throughput
Here’s a snapshot of what will be happening over the year in each of these areas.
Dashboards and visualizations
We’ve always believed that seeing transactions live is a game changer for IT organizations. We’re going to bring to life some new ways to visualize your transaction flow. Many of you will already have requests in your in-box from us to participate in a review of new topology and alerts components (if you haven’t heard from us and would like to participate, please email mborbas@inetco.com)
Over the course of this year, we will be delivering new and improved topology, alerts, and dashboard charting capabilities. These will run on HTML5, so you can easily embed the controls into other dashboarding tools.
Transaction Search
Finding transactions is the bread and butter use case for the INETCO Insight real-time transaction monitoring solution. We are planning several major enhancements to these capabilities over the year, including:
- Extending detailed data storage from 8 days to 31 days to allow you to dig back further in time to isolate those issues that are reported well after the fact.
- Allowing searches to span the entire 31 days of available data, rather than 1-2 hour time windows.
- Enhancing usability and moving this capability to HTML 5 as well.
Transaction Throughput
Over the course of 2015, a number of our largest customers indicated their desire to expand INETCO Insight coverage to new applications and links. Yay! Our intent is always to stay several steps ahead of your performance expectations, so we have a project rolling to significantly expand the upper bounds of INETCO Insight’s transaction throughput. Over the next few weeks, we will be contacting some customers to capture a current profile of your environment and to discuss potential scaling strategies. Again, if you haven’t heard from us and would like to participate, please email mborbas@inetco.com
INETCO Insight is one of the few transaction monitoring products available that can monitor anything from a proprietary payments transaction to an Oracle database query, and everything in between. It’s an omnichannel monitoring platform for banks, credit unions, and payment processors.
We are deeply committed to enhancing the product and have an aggressive roadmap for this year. If you don’t see what you want here, or want to add your voice in any of these areas, we welcome your input!