With a Nilson Report projecting that worldwide losses due to fraud attacks are expected to hit $31.67 billion per year by 2020, are your ATM fleets ready?
A few months ago we were approached by a community bank in Connecticut that was constantly worried about their lack of visibility into their ATM ecosystem. While they were aware of the transaction management and fraud monitoring systems available, they could not justify the high IT infrastructure, maintenance and support costs. This was very concerning to them as they knew that community banks and credit unions often face increased risks since smaller ATM fleets do not warrant the cost of extravagant transaction and fraud monitoring systems – leaving them even more vulnerable.
After speaking with the community bank and other financial institutions with similar dilemmas, the challenge was clear. We needed to help individual community banks and credit unions reduce the risk of fraud within their ATM ecosystem, without the associated high costs. As we discussed how to go about solving this problem, a lightbulb went off! Why not offer a real-time transaction monitoring and alerting solution focused on ATM monitoring in a secure Cloud environment!
Recently launched in North America, INETCO Insight Cloud is a real-time transaction monitoring and alerting solution for financial institutions that want the benefit of immediate visibility into customer interactions – while optimizing both IT infrastructure and operational costs. With INETCO Insight’s new secure Cloud deployment model, banks and credit unions with smaller ATM fleets can now continuously capture customer transactions across an entire ATM fleet, and proactively detect problems related to transactions completion rates, host response issues, and suspicious behaviors or devices. With over 50 real-time alerts to choose from, you can now:
- Detect fraud as it happens
- Minimize ATM fleet downtime
- Deliver an amazing customer experience

If you are a North American bank or credit union and would like to join our Early Adopter Program, please reach out to our VP of Product Management, Ian Chan at ian@inetco.com or read our product page here. Take advantage now as all early adopters will receive a free 90-day trial!