With Customer Loyalty on the Line, Improve the Speed and Availability of Digital Intelligence or Face Losing Customers


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Read this Customer Experience Whitepaper titled. “Enhancing the End-to-End Customer Experience with Real-Time Data”

With customer loyalty on the line, FI’s need to improve the speed and availability of their digital intelligence or face losing customers. Although this data can be somewhat challenging to get at, new technology advancements in real-time monitoring, data streaming, storage and visualization have shown to help mitigate fraud losses, increase channel performance and profitability, while most importantly, enhancing the end-to-end customer experience.

In a poll from last week’s ATMmarketplace.com webinar, participants were asked how real-time data impacts their organization – from IT operations and channel management, to card operations analytics. It was found that 60% of respondents placed both fraud risk management and ATM channel management as the areas of highest importance.


Poll 3
A poll from ATMmarketplace.com webinar titled, “Enhancing the End-to-end Customer Experience with Real-Time Data”.


With participants highlighting various areas of real-time data usage within their organization, it is easy to see that the end-to-end customer experience is a top priority of any FI. By collecting, integrating and sharing real-time transaction data efficiently across an entire organization, FI’s can keep pace with ever-changing digital customer behaviors and quickly adjust to operational or infrastructure changes associated with new revenue streams and deliver the ultimate end-to-end customer experience.

omnichannel success

A recently released whitepaper by INETCO and ATMmarketplace.com titled, “Enhancing the End-to-End Customer Experience with Real-Time Data”, discusses what FI’s can do to improve the speed and availability of their digital information, best manage their end-to-end transaction chain and deliver an amazing customer experience. This short read is meant to help FI’s determine the steps needed to reduce the chances of:

  • Data depreciation, shrinking decision windows and delayed actions/decisions
  • Customer inconvenience due to fraud and transaction availability issues being missed
  • Customer dissatisfaction due to lack of instant gratification

To learn more about how real-time data can enhance the end-to-end customer experience, download the whitepaper or watch the companion webinar. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to us directly at marketingteam@inetco.com.