DEVOPS Digest – 17 Ways to Define DevOps Part 3

Devops Digest logoDEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the industry to define what DevOps means to them. The goal is to show just how many varied ideas are connected with the concept, and in the process learn a little more what is all about. The third installment shows the impact of DevOps on both Dev and Ops team members.

Contributing to this discussion was INETCO’s VP of Marketing, Stacy Gorkoff, who highlighted the importance of breaking down silos saying: “DevOps is about driving application transformation. Making things and people work not only as “islands” but a cool ecosystem of software development and infrastructure that is fueled by a passionate team attitude.”

Read the article from DEVOPSdigest 

Part 1 and Part 2 of this series are also available