Transactions That Make the World a Better Place: Happy Holidays!

Holiday Transactions that Really Matter
Making the world a better place: One transaction at a time

At INETCO, we talk a lot about banking and payments transactions. We talk about monitoring them, analyzing them, and speeding them up. We help financial institutions ensure that their customers complete their financial transactions stress free.

But transactions aren’t always about money and banking. They can also involve an exchange of love, care, and compassion between people. To us, these are the transactions that really make this world a better place. And that is why we’d like to remind you:

Take some time this holidays to complete at least one warm and fuzzy “transaction” – A completely random act of kindness. Some of our favorites include:

  1. Email a compliment to a co-worker
  2. Ask someone how they’re doing and truly listen to their answer
  3. Share your snack with someone who doesn’t have one
  4. Feed the birds by making a homemade birdfeeder
  5. Buy someone in line behind you a coffee

Of course, there are many other random acts of kindness out there that we are not covering with this list…we’d love to hear your favorites, and help share ideas within your community!

Thanks to all for making this world a better place – one transaction at a time. On behalf of all of us at INETCO, I’d like to wish you and your family all the best all over the holidays, and a healthy and happy 2017!