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INETCO Insider
INETCO eNEWS | April 2, 2014 | Issue #7
Your source for Business Transaction Intelligence
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The INETCO Insider is back! INETCO has had a busy quarter, and will recap the highlights here. Read on to learn how to unlock your ATM Big Data, how Nedbank and Sinergia are taking control of transaction complexity, and how to improve profitability by reducing hidden transaction costs and effectively managing your mobile remote deposit capture services.
Unlocking your ATM "Big Data"
Learn how to easily access all your ATM network traffic, quickly process huge amounts of transactional data, and create actionable statistics to:
»  Isolate ATM service issues 65-75% faster
»  Improve profitability across your ATM network, and
»  Reduce failed transactions by up to 25%.
Watch this webinar and download the whitepaper to Unlock your ATM Big Data
Nedbank chooses INETCO Insight to actively monitor complex banking environment
Learn how in the INECTO blog and in Transaction Banker's 2-minute Case Studies
Sinergia deploys a NCR and INETCO solution to monitor 2000 ATMS across Italy
Read the case study and press release to learn how Sinergia gains end-to-end visibility into their ATM network to lower operational costs and improve customer experience.
“As our banking IT infrastructure grows, so does the complexity of monitoring transactions. INETCO Insight is envisioned to be our not-so-secret weapon when it comes to real-time transaction slowdown troubleshooting, improving problem isolation times by up to 75% – which helps us manage costs, and, more importantly, maintain the high level of service that our customers have come to expect.”
Jason De Swardt, head of Nedbank’s new Payment Services Hub
Changing your RDC game
Though processing a mobile check deposit costs roughly $0.10, as compared to $4.25 if done at a teller, mobile Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) presents additional costs and risks for financial institutions. Read the INETCO article in BAI Banking Strategies or watch our webinar to learn how to keep your mobile RDC service rolling safely, efficiently and cost effectively.
Finding hidden costs in transactions
In order to manage zero revenue transactions, banks need to do a better job of reducing the operational costs of those transactions. Learn how in our BAI Banking Strategies article
2014: the year of the complex AND seamless transaction
INETCO Insight isn't necessarily a crystal ball, but that didn't stop us from making predictions for the upcoming year in ATM Marketplace, Technology Banker, and Financial IT.
Feature INETCO has "gone global" through our partnership with NCR. Learn how the combined NCR and INETCO have created the only joint banking solution offering full enterprise-wide performance awareness in a multi-channel banking environment.
INETCO is proud to announce our partnership with Vodafone xone. Feature
Learn more about the INETCO partner program here.
That's all for this edition of the INETCO Insider. If you have additional questions about any INETCO news, or how you (or your customers) can take control of increasing complexity across all your ATM, POS, online, mobile service channels, contact
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