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INETCO eNEWS | October 16, 2014 | Issue #9
Your source for Business Transaction Intelligence
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Summer is the time for travel—so last quarter INETCO helped retail banks and payment processors navigate the galaxy of ATM and POS monitoring solutions with "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Transaction Monitoring & Analytics." The INETCO crew also headed out on a different type of ship…
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Transaction Monitoring and Analytics
Inquisitive banking and payment processing minds all over the world and beyond tuned into this webinar as INETCO explored the key requirements guiding ATM and other self-service channel operations teams in their quest to select the right real-time transaction monitoring and analytics solution.

42-minute webinar and whitepaper takeaways:
»  Building a business case and ROI business impact model to free up IT budget
»  Defining requirements for managing your ATM, POS and other self-service banking channels
»  Evaluating which transaction monitoring solution best fits your needs
TNS TNS leverages power of real-time transaction monitoring and analytics to become a 2014 Payment Awards finalist (Best Merchant Acquirer/Processor)

“INETCO Insight empowers us to safely scale our ACI Postilion-based processing business, while continuing to fulfill our commitment to exceptional customer service delivery. INETCO helps us to focus on our core services and support our clients’ growth to help them increase their productivity.”
Ciaran Jones, TNS Vice President of Operations
2014 ATM Market Benchmark Report
Mercator discusses how more financial institutions are using transaction monitoring and analytics solutions to proactively manage their ATM fleets to maximize customer experience, uptime, and profitability.
Mining Your ATM Data (part 2)
As an ATM channel manager, you know that your transaction data is a goldmine. So how do you build your ROI business case to free up the budget, and then choose the right "mining" tools?
Looking for ways to improve your retail banking consumer experience? Watch this on-demand webinar from NCR and INETCO: Ready. Get Set. Know! 3 critical conditions that impact your consumers’ experience.

Learn more about the INETCO partner program here.
BAI Retail Delivery 2014 (Nov 12-14)
Booth 4530, McCormick Place, Chicago
Lower cost of operations while improving customer experience across all your self-service banking channels. Meet INETCO at booth 4530, and join us for the Maximizing your Data Analytics Strategy panel discussion (Nov 12, 12:15-12:45pm, Expo area).
Where does the time go? This year INETCO celebrated our 30th Anniversary--and what better way to do so than on a boat, "Margaritaville-style", and with a brand new website?
That's all for this edition of the INETCO Insider. If you have additional questions about any INETCO news, or how you (or your customers) can take control of increasing complexity across all your ATM, POS, online, mobile service channels, contact

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